Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Yesterday, I did 1,181 words on Chapter Four of Daughter of Hounds and managed to finish the scene at Odd Willie's place. Today, we reach the top of a hill in Woonsocket, a hill I've been dreading for months, because the story — or, rather, one thread of the story — will shift here, and there will be more action, and action is the most difficult thing for me to write. Also, I had a very good, very long conversation with Marvel yesterday. That project is still progressing, and perhaps I can explain before too much longer. And I proofed the first two vignettes in Frog Toes and Tentacles. So, it was a busy day. I proofed the third vignette before breakfast this morning.
Word is the ARCs for To Charles Fort, With Love were a hit at BEA. I'm told they were pretty much all scarfed up by Friday. And that's cool. But it also means that we're now dealing with copies on eBay that shouldn't be there. Legally, only subpress and I have the right to sell these things, and until we get the paper work through to halt their being auctioned by those who do not have permission to do so (which should have been done before BEA), I ask that you please not bid on them. The little bit of money I'm bringing in from selling these ARCs is going to Sophie's medical bills and to help pay for promoting the book, and these unauthorized sales will cut deeply into my ability to make anything from them. I wrote the book. Bill Schafer is printing it. We are the only two people who presently have any business making money off the ARCs. I'll have another ARC up as soon as this mess is resolved.
Set me aflame and cast me free,
Away you wretched world of tethers...
11:33 AM