Sunday, November 28, 2004
The last — the very last — of our things were moved from the old place to the new place this evening. So, that's that. All that's left now are the days of box unpacking, picture hanging, etc.
Hopefully, I will settle into this new office quickly. I've had a few days head start, since we got the office set up first. But I have to warm to it and it has to warm to me. This has to become the place where I write, instead of just a place filled with my writing tools where I'm going to write. And it needs to happen fast, because, as I've said a bezillion times in the last two or three weeks, I am frightfully, frightfully behind.
Last night I lay in bed, not sleeping, until about 1:30 this morning, when I finally took an Ambien and Spooky read me The Lorax, which is, by the way, my second favorite Dr. Seuss book (right after McElligot's Pool. My dreams were crowded and uncomfortable, but I remember little about them now.
As the commontion calms, we'll be starting a truly giganormous eBay sale, which will include The Five of Cups for a scant $20, along with such oddments as a French edition of Poppy's Drawing Blood, some of my old clothes, and, possibily, just possibly, my old Macintosh Personal Laserwriter (which printed every single frelling thing I wrote from summer 1993 until winter 2002). This sale is partly to get rid some of the stuff that needs getting rid of so we have more actual living space, and it's partly to raise Xmas money, and it's also partly to offset the moving expenses. So, hopefully there will be something in there you'd like.
If you happen to be in wandering in the wilds of southeast Atlanta some time or another, in that region known hereabouts as Kirkwood, somewhere just south of the MARTA tracks, but well north of I-20, and you should happen to pass by the old elementary school, please tip your hat to that place for me. Ghosts or no, cryosphere or no, it wasn't a bad spot to be, these past two years...
Friday morning, November 2004 (photo by CRK)
9:55 PM