Saturday, July 24, 2004
This is irony (for anyone who might have been confused by that frelling Alanis Morrisette song): Last year, America invaded Iraq, subsequently causing the deaths of thousands, supposedly in the interest of preserving and extending democracy. In the last US Presidential election, more than one hundred million Americans eligible to vote chose not to do so.
Yesterday, I attended to details. Details pile up when you're not paying attention. I realized this morning, for example, that I'd not updated the "news" page on my website since March. It's not that there hasn't been loads of news, it's just a detail I keep forgetting, or only remembering when I'm too busy to do anything about it. I've added three upcoming appearances. That's something, at least. I think I've finally reached the point where I need a webmaster/webmistress, someone with more html/java/etc. kung-fu and better software than I have (I'm still slogging away with Netscape 7). Applicants would be welcome.
Oh, and Spooky ordered a cool pair of boots for her Nebari costume.
Jim loves "The Pearl Diver." Spooky and Jennifer love "The Pearl Diver." I've sent it to a fourth reader. I think if he likes it, I'll chalk this one up to my lack of objectivity and send it to the editor. And move on. I have to write a 15,000-word story for Subterranean Press next month, and I have to begin Daughter of Hounds.
Kid Night last night. We started with hot dogs, moved along to comics (Meatcake #13 [Dame Darcy makes a sexy mermaid], Lenore #11, Gloomcookie #19 [props to Serena for the Farscape mention], and Courtney Crumrin and the Twilight Kingdom #s 3 and 4), then watched Ryuhei Kitamura's thoroughly messed-up, but entertaining Versus, and finished up with more Kya. Then Spooky had insomnia and was up until 5 am talking to barred owls.
3:05 PM