Thursday, March 04, 2004
We seem to be getting a first taste of spring, with highs today in the upper seventies. Sadly, a few days from now, the forecast highs are twenty degrees cooler. So I think I'm getting out of here today. I think I'll spend the day out of doors. This has been an atrocious winter and I'm sick to death of sitting in this room typing in the cold.
Yesterday, I wrote all day for 900 words (exactly 900, mind you). I am so near the ending of "Rappaccini's Dragon" that taking any time off today seems the height of irresponsibility. But if I try to write and then go out, I'll wind up like yesterday, left with only the energy to walk around the grounds once or twice.
There's been a lot of telephony lately. It seems that way to me. I'm not used to it. I feel like I'm coming out of a two- or three-year hibernation. Night before last, Neil called just to talk, and we just talked for about an hour. There's been what seems like a steady stream of calls to and from editors and publishers. It's all a bit odd to me, but I know that it's the sort of odd that's good for me.
But then, what sort of odd wouldn't be good for me?
Last night, we rented The Missing, was was quite good, better than I'd expected, a strange sort of reworking of The Searchers with a little bit of the supernatural thrown in. Cate Blanchett was very good, and the cinematography was nice. The night before, we watched Matchstick Men, which was also quite good. We're trying to catch up on a bunch of movies we missed because of my hermitude (and because movie theatres are usually full of noisy, obnoxious assholes).
Anyway, I should go. A quick thank you to all the people who've taken the time to send me e-mails of late, but to whom I've not have the time to write back. My apologies on that account. So, thanks to Mairi Beacon, Bob "The Dierkses" (Nar'eth in the Farscape mini? Nahhhhh), Daniel Spears, Roel Ramos, Matthew and Samuel, Sydney Miller, Shawn J. Bagley, Robert Bertram, and Loreayne.
Did I mention all the new stuff at Nebari.Net?
10:35 AM