Saturday, December 27, 2003
Yesterday, I wrote 1,236 words on "The Dry Salvages." I'm predicting that it will be finished by Monday evening, December 29th. Then I get that break I mentioned. I began this novella back on November 24th and it's been a long, long crawl from there to here. And now I am poised at that point that never ceases to be frightening, that place where the right things have to happen at the end, the things I usually cannot see until they are upon me. It's always a simple matter; I just have to find it.
Still no word as to whether the Beagle 2 lander is alive and well on the surface of Mars. I have hope, but can only begin to imagine the sort of stress the mission scientists are under at the moment. Word is, if the lander survived, we won't hear from it until January 4th. As I said, I have hope. If you want to know more, check out SpaceFlightNow.
Another Xmas gift from Spooky was the Alien Quadrilogy boxed set, which I am enjoying immensely. This is one of those DVD sets, like Moulin Rouge and the extended editions of The Lord of the Rings, so filled with special features that it truly is worth the price. Last night, we watched all the pre-production and production features for Alien: Resurrection (which must have taken a couple of hours, and we didn't even get to post-production), then watched the film itself. Actually, the alternate version of the film (Jeunet insists this is not a "director's cut," as he was very happy with the '97 theatrical release). There are nine discs in this set, with two versions of each film and loads of goodies.
And I'm rambling and will now go write...
The eBay auctions continue. And I know that Xmas money is burning a hole in your pocket.
10:40 AM