Saturday, November 29, 2003
Addendum: Okay. It's 5:52 p.m. and we've only just finished making corrections to Part One. All of Part Two, which is longer than Part One, still sprawls before us. Oh, and there's the epilogue. And all the things we're skipping that I plan to go back and catch after the line edits. And it's frelling Saturday night, and I could be playing Primal, or watching a movie, or going to a club, or something, and this is what I'm doing instead. Making life-altering decisions about commas. Trying to eliminate repetitions in the text ("How many times have I used 'haggard' so far?") that no one but me would ever notice. Trying to figure out if "pupilless" should be spelled with one "l" or two (I went with two). Please send help.
5:53 PM