Tuesday, August 19, 2003
Yesterday was the polar opposite of Sunday. I wrote 1,058 words on Chapter Seven, and they were some of the best words I've written on this novel. As Spooky said, "Some writers just aren't meant to be sober." Which is to say that I have absinthe and Klonopin to thank for a very good writing day. And I will face the "blank page" the same way again today. When the frelling book is finally finished, I can dry out, clean up, blah, blah, blah. The book is god and it's not a god to face clean. I've been making that mistake for weeks and weeks, allowing a concern for my liver and sanity to take precedent over the God Novel. Nothing may take precendent over the novel, because without the novel I am nothing.
Yesterday I described Murder of Angels to Spooky as David Lynch meets Lewis Carroll, as written by Caitlin Kiernan. Mullholland Drive meets Alice in Wonderland. I know the "blank-meets-blank" similes are annoying as hell (this is what comes of involving oneself with Hollywood), but it's fairly accurate, I'm afraid.
Most of the evening was spent tweaking the new website. We fixed broken links on the "news" page back to last August. I'll get to the others later on. Gradually, the whole site will be getting the sort of facelift that the front page has received. And, supposedly, control of the old domain, caitlin-r-kiernan.com, will be returned to me sometime today, furthering this drawn out Reconstruction.
Also, thanks the Chris Simmons (Thank you, Sissy!), we have a brand new discussion forum. I've just logged in and, so far, there's only Chris' test post. It's at http://www.scaredhedgehog.net/crk. Please reset your bookmarks accordingly and, whether or not you were a regular in the old forum, you'll be welcome in the new one. We'll put up a link from the image map on the front page of the website later today (after The Writing). So, recap: the new website's at Pain and Wonder, the blogger's at Low Red Moon Journal, and the new forum's at www.scaredhedgehog.net/crk. Don't be a stranger.
And to help offset the expenses of all these recoveries from the Great Crash of August 8th, there will be a special seven-day ebay auction beginning this evening, which will include copies of The Five of Cups and Waycross. You'll be able to find the goodies right here. Please be kind and buy my dren and may the ancient, glacial gods of Nebari Prime will smile on you and not visit frostbite upon your nether regions.
I'll be posting my 2003 Dragon*Con schedule as soon as the scheduling folks get it straightened out.
And now I need to go answer e-mail, make the "morning's" phone calls, floss my tongue, and so and and suchlike. See you in the forum.
11:50 AM