Wednesday, August 20, 2003
Oh. A postcriptum type thing. I've been meaning to make this annoucement for weeks and keep forgetting. I've asked Bill Schafer at Subterranean Press if we could please delay my next collection, To Charles Fort, With Love, by as much as year. There's a reason. When I sell a story to an editor for an anthology, he or she gets a "period of exclusivity," during with no one else may print the story. At least two stories that I desperately want included in To Charles Fort, With Love have only recently sold and won't be available for reprint for a year or so. So. There you go. And Bill was agreeable, as was Rick Kirk, who will still be aboard on interior illustrations (Ryan Obermeyer will provide the cover). And in the meantime, you'll get other goodies from me by way of Subterranean Press, including the long-promised sf novellas.
10:54 PM