Thursday, March 20, 2003
I've been up since 8 a.m., after sitting up till two, reading through the TFoC galleys, and I still haven't made a decision regarding Florida. I will have to make the decision in the next fifteen or twenty minutes, though. At least the next half hour. CNN is on. Nothing much is happening. Talk. Speculation. Various reactions from various nations.
This morning, Jennifer called the Permissions Dept. at Harbrace about permission fees to reprint a portion of T. S. Eliot's The Waste Land in TFoC, and was told that, as far as American publications are concerned, the poem is now in the public domain. Which is weird. I said cool, but get it in writing, so she is. It means that I can include the portions of the poem in the novel that should be included. Jennifer has other people she has to contact about song lyric permissions, for both TFoC and LRM. In case you ever wondered, generally this is stuff the author is responsible for taking care of, not the publisher. We get permissions and if fees are to be paid, we pay them ourselves. Sometimes those fees can be pricey.
I have to go and be decisive now. My ears will probably bleed.
9:52 AM