Wednesday, February 19, 2003
I just finished off a bottle of Mari Mayans and my tongue is numb.
I wish that my brain were numb.
The introduction is done. I’ll read through it once more this afternoon. Things like this, I get very fastidious about. Okay, I get more fastidious than usual about things like this. It’s my obsessive need to be understood, precisely understood, and leave no room for misinterpretation. That’s impossible, of course. But that’s never stopped me before. Also, when working on a piece like this, the Sony Bullshit Filter (patent pending) gets set to MAX and run across the prose again and again until there are no more little beeping noises. No beeps can remain. Nary a one.
I think I’ve found a cover for To Charles Fort, With Love and I’m going to try to make a final decision this evening. My editor at Roc promises to have the editorial letter to me by Friday, so I can get moving again on Low Red Moon. I tried to start the synopsis for [insert whatever the hell the next novel will be titled], but didn’t get very far before the sheer boredom and foolishness of synopsizing an unwritten and mostly unconceived novel made any real progress impossible. Maybe I’ll give it another shot today. I need to. I’m supposed to have dinner with friends this evening. Hopefully I can get it together and not have to bow out. I have a house guest coming this weekend, Saturday and Sunday, and I need to try to hang a few more pictures, stop by the florist for flowers, stuff like that. I need to send a short story to Darren McKeeman for Gothic.Net, and that means making an rtf. Spooky’s gone to the post office to pick up packages of her books that her mother has shipped down from Rhode Island. I have some buisness with The Five of Cups to get to for Bill Schafer. So, it’s likely to be a day of details and minutiae. I hate those.
I think my new ambition, as far as being an author is concerned, is to someday reach a point where I can make a living off my short fiction alone. It’s the only writing I do that I truly love, and even that’s a relatively newfound love.
Louisa John-Krol’s Alexandria (Hyperium) is on the headphones, "Contradiction is the Dragon." I’ve really fallen in love with this CD over the past two days. Check out her website.
It’s Wednesday againe, so here’s your mid-week Farscape reminder. The Sci-Fi Channel (what’s in a name?), Friday night, 8 p.m. and 12:30 a.m. EST (which is, technically, Saturday morning, of course). Only six episodes left.
Ah, well, that’s probably enough blogging for one day. Blogging. God, I hate new verbs.
5:03 PM