Saturday, November 23, 2002
Reconstruction, often attempted, rarely achieved.
Anyway, now there are only seven full days left until the move (not counting today). I'm very anxious to get out of here and into the new place, to get unpacked and for life to return to its usual, less frenetic abnormality. The office is pretty much disassembled. Empty bookshelves, their contents tucked away into cardboard boxes. Today, my old Mac Colour Classic and laser printer will both be packed. There is a peculiar melancholy that attends empty bookshelves, I think.
Sometimes I think I may be the very personification of the Modern Nomad. I just stopped to count and, since I was born, I have lived in at least 35 separate dwellings (the number's probably slightly higher; I'd have to ask my mother about the earliest ones). And that's in 2 countries, 5 U.S. states (Louisiana, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and Colorado). This move will be move number 35, into dwelling number 36, and at least twenty of those were before I was even out of high school. Since 1990, I've been doing better, with only 5 moves in that time, 6 if I include the impending one. At least I've never been homeless. I suppose I gather no moss.
I do gather an awful lot of stuff, though, which is probably the same thing as moss. Years and years ago, moving from place to place was easy. I didn't own much and it didn't require much more than a pick-up truck and a few boxes. Now I have to hire movers, and rent trucks and trailers. It's like packing and unpacking a bloody combination museum/library. Seriously, there'll be close to seventy-five boxes of books, alone. Then all the fossils, the pickled bats and lizards, the skulls and the various objects d'art. All the pictures (once there were only posters I stuck to walls with thumbtacks) and antiques and electronics and one fat old cat and, really, I desperately need to leave my ass put in one place for a while. Really. I think nomads are supposed to be much less materialistic.
Well, that's sort of what I wrote yesterday. Sort of. You get the idea.
Today I have to get some work done on TFoC and my end of the Trilobite: The Writing of Threshold cd. Jennifer's packing. I expect I'll be packing tonight.
12:15 PM