Thursday, November 07, 2002
It has been a few days, hasn't it? Sorry. I've been extraordinarily busy and particularly distracted.
I'm in a hotel room in downtown Atlanta, looking out the window at the city lights, bright in the cold night air. Driving into town this evening, the sun was Maxfield Parrish gold across the trees and the high clouds looked vaguely snowy. There won't be snow yet, of course, but the clouds were wishing for it, anyway. I sat in the back of the van, distracted from the editing I was trying to do (yes, the laptop means work follows me everywhere), staring at the colours of the turning leaves, that china-blue sky and its cold clouds rushing past. It was actually nice and I've never been a particular fan of autumn, signaling, as it does for me, the moments before that seasonal, annual death. Outside my windows, the lights of downtown seem blurry, running together, reminding me I shouldn't be working without my glasses and that I desperately need sleep.
I've received the first few pages of Part 3 of Bast: Eternity Game, along with the three Dave McKean covers (which are, of course, really gorgeous). I think I'm going to like this mini-series.
I hear that the trade paperback of Silk has been sighted at Border's. I think the drop date was today, so it ought to be showing up in bookstores everywhere.
Anyway, I'll be on the road until at least Sunday or so. I'll try to make entries in the wee hours. Oh, the cat's butt is better.
2:44 AM