Sunday, October 06, 2002
It.'s 5:08 a.m. (gagh -- the grey horror of dawn approaches). I'm sitting on the floor of the hotel room, still wearing my Nebari make-up. The contacts are out, but not so long that my vision has returned. I can see the keys, but not the screen. Not the letters on the screen. So, bear with me.
I should be asleep. I was asleep, but Jennifer woke me up to eat a Slim Jim and drink something. That's her job. Well, not Slim Jims specifically.
The party at The Chamber was, by all estimates, a resounding success. I could hardly be more pleased (and I'll confess, I've not been especially optimistic this weekend). An unoffical estimate on attendence, unoffical but I'll ask Jason Feeman for actual numbers tomorrow, 800-1,000 people. We easily doubled the Secret Room's usual headcount. Great costumes. We did a marvelous little floor show, and then the cast members took the stage. The crowd went wild. You know how it goes. Diana Obscura was fabulous. We managed to mix the Farscape, Star Trek, and Star Wars universes. Continuty freaks everywhere are traumatized. I'm babbling. Gigi, Paul, and Lani were beyond marvelous. And Jennifer's telling me I have to go to sleep now, or she's going to take the keyboard away. So here I go. Wish you all could have been there!
5:20 AM