Monday, October 07, 2002
I'm not even going to try to reconstruct the entry that Blogger ate last night. I will say that at least my ancient, rusty Royal typewriter, the one I worked on until 1986 when I discovered Macintosh, never devoured anything I wrote. Anyway, we left Atlanta last night early in the evening and headed back to Birmingham. That ride gets a little more depressing every week or so, every time I have to make the trip. But at least we were treated to a grand show from the sky, lightning that began about Anniston and kept up all the way home, vast and beautiful sheets of lightning. Shortly after we got home, though, it began to rain very hard and the ceiling in my office, the one that was most recently not-fixed about a week ago, began to leak again.
I'll try to find time to post more about the Farscape party at The Chamber a little later. But I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who made it such a hit (I just spoke with the promoter and he says we had at least 800 people, maybe as many as 1000, making it their second most popular event ever) — Jason Feeman of The Secret Room and Greg Green of The Masquerade, Allison Littleton, every single one of you who sent in donations to the "Gas Money Fund" after ADV turned us down, Paul, Gigi, and Lani for coming all the way from Australia, Jaime and Cat Jarrett and all the other Atlanta scapers, Lyle and the rest of security who did a marvelous job, and I expect I'm forgetting someone, a lot of someones, and will make amends later. Also, if you're in Florida, Lani, Gigi, and Paul will be making an appearance at Sci-Fi City in Orlando (Tuesday, 4-7 p.m.) for autographs and photos. Please, please, please attend if you can!
Now, today, I have to go back to being a writer. Back to being Writer Caitlin. I need to try to finish the Embrace the Mutation story by Sunday, and deal with all the things that have been piling up around me the last two weeks. Oh, when I got home last night two comp copies of the trade paperback of Silk were waiting for me in the mailbox. They made a slightly smaller, but thicker, trade of it than of Threshold, but it's very attractive, keeping the original cover art and design, and that was very important to me. Technically, I suppose this is the third edition of the novel since 1998 (the mass-market paperback, the limited hardcover, and now the trade paperback).
I've been listening to VNV Nation's Empires this morning and expect it's what I'll write to today.
1:33 PM