Wednesday, October 16, 2002
I just realized, about an hour ago, that I have more things to do in the next three days than four Caitlín's could do. If we stick to the current plan, we leave for Providence on Saturday morning. With luck, we'd get into Rhode Island Sunday evening. But that leaves me with four billion things to do in the interim, including finish "Andromeda Among the Stones."
Speaking of which, I did more than 1,300 words today. It should be finished by now, but it demands of me another 2,000 or so words, which pretty much have to be done tomorrow.
Today Jennifer discovered that someone had taken a Birmingham Public Library copy of The Mists of Avalon, which she's currently reading, and excised certain scenes, namely some of the sex and a scene where a dying woman's suicide is assisted. I'm not sure if it was a lame attempt at censorship (plenty of sex and gore remains), or if it was just an overzealous reader who wanted to treasure those passages forever. Either way, defacing library books is a pet peeve of mine. I spent too many years having to use university library copies of paleontology texts that had been generously "annotated" by creationists.
Rain today and for the first time it was cold enough to see your breath fog.
1:36 AM