Tuesday, September 10, 2002
An update, which I should have caught last night, but I missed in my haze of exhaustion. This from Barbarella, moderator of #Farscape on the Sci-Fi Channel website (what she's calling the "war room"), who was moderating the chat at Farscape Weekly when Browder, Kemper, and co. broke the news on Friday. This is cautious good news, and I know we all need good news right now:
"We've stopped the chainsaws! 10pm 9/09/02
[Barbarella] I'll tell you this
[Barbarella] I closed the floor for this
[Barbarella] Our efforts have at elast postponed the chainsaws
[Barbarella] now instead of destroying the sets
[Barbarella] they're disassembling them
[Barbarella] so keep pushing scifi and EMTV
[Barbarella] our efforts are working
[Barbarella] we MUST stay united"
Thanks to the Guiding Star Farscape site for posting this excerpt.
11:23 AM