Saturday, September 14, 2002
Rodger Turner of has agreed to run something of mine on Farcsape, so, for the third time in only seven days I'm racking my brain for words that matter, that will make a difference. What haven't I said already? What argument will sway the unswayed? Just recapping the events since September 6th, for those who don't have the background, and making it brief and readable, is exhausting. I've got that part behind me. Now I have to be convincing. It's been years since I've written non-fiction on a regular basis and I'd entirely forgotten how difficult it is. Anyway, the piece is set to go up on Monday. I'll keep you posted.
Also, there are new, disturbing rumours that a decision will be made Monday regarding the ultimate fate of the Farscape sets, a decision that could have considerable repercussions for those of us fighting to save the series. The news comes from an online chat with Anthony Simcoe (D'Argo); I'll post relevant links from Nebari.Net later on.
And, incredibly, on a note entirely unrelated to Farscape, I saw a new (?) edition of the collected works of Charles Fort (The Book of the Damned, Lo!, New lands, and Wild Talents) last night. It's an attractive hardback volume, published by Dover Books, which I believe is available for under thirty dollars via So, instead of asking me, "Caitlin, where do you get your ideas," buy this book (and read it). It's a start at answering your own question.
4:07 PM