Monday, September 09, 2002
I'm really not quite sure where this day began. Four hours of sleep after Atlanta and then the last sixteen and a half hours spent on the Farscape Campaign (with an hour and a half for a short nap and a salad). Thank goodness for Sobe Power and Red Bull. Anyway, Nebari.Net 1.0 is up and running and I hope it's of some use to people looking for a way to help save the show. The rest of the day was spent on letters (Jennifer did much of this), Usenet, etc. Many thanks to Darren of for all his help. My editorial should be up in a non-subscriber section of Gothic.Net soon (I'll post a link here), and will be distributed by e-mail to the Gothic.Net newsletter e-mailing list of about 19,000 people.
So. Write the letters, telegrams, e-mails, faxes and make the phone calls. But, mostly write the letters and send the faxes. To Bonnie Hammer at the Sci-Fi Channel, if to no one else. Series creator Rockne O'Bannon has identified the Sci-Fi Channel as our single most important target.
I don't think I can do much else tonight. Thanks for the supportive e-mails. Thanks again to Neil Gaiman for starting the ball rolling with his blogger. I think my frelling eyes are bleeding . . .
12:36 AM