Tuesday, March 26, 2002
Not a word today did I write. Nope. Well, except for a letter to the editor of a paleo' journal, and I did address some envelopes. That counts, right? As I mentioned last night, today was devoted to getting a paper in the mail, which always means a million little last minute details to be dealt with. Here's a paper that I've read, literally, countless times over the last year, as has my collaborator, and I found four or five major errors in it today. But you're all already bored to tears and halfway back again, aren't you? No, that's okay. I understand. Not everyone gets all tingly over rocks and bones and typographical errors.
Tomorrow I need to work on editing Part 2 of Bast: Eternity Game, but I want to work on the Dancy story. I'm sure duty will win out over desire. It usually does. With me, at least.
There's supposed to be a review of In the Garden of Poisonous Flowers in the new Publisher's Weekly, but I haven't seen it yet.
Oh, we passed 50,000 hits on the website last night, and I'm supposed to be giving away "Salammbô" shirts. But I still haven't thought of a good contest-type thing. Maybe the contest should be to think of an appropriate contest, somehow related to something I've written, e-mail the ideas to me, and the winner and runners up (runners-up?) get the t-shirts, etc. Hhhmmm. That does have possibilities. I will think on it.
1:25 AM